How does it work?!

The battle cry of the psychic seems to be “That’s not how it works!” 

So how does it work?

It seems that there are as many differences in psychic ability from person to person as there are similarities. I believe everyone is psychic; we’re all just at different levels of ability. Think about a time in traffic when you’ve felt compelled to look over, and someone was staring at you. 

The information I receive from spirit feels similar. The best way I’ve figured out to explain it is that it’s like remembering something. Seeing an image or hearing something, but just the memory of it. A little hard to see and hear, a little difficult to hold onto. When it’s a clear reference, I’ll get a clearer image, like a movie poster or a song I know that can be relevant. I can see a town on a map, or a pair of ruby slippers in a display case. 

These images almost always appear to my right. I’d say that the images come to the right side of my brain, even though that doesn’t quite make sense…what about this does? I have a close friend who receives messages in a similar fashion: the right side, the memory aspect. If you’re working on a psychic practice, how do messages come to you?

My messages also come as knowing. That happens when I’m doing a reading, or sometimes when I’m giving someone advice. I know what to say, I know how people feel, I know how to put them at ease. I just know things that I have no business knowing. My brother said to me the other day, “I have no idea how you knew what you foresaw.” after I told him about a specific scenario I envisioned, then it happened. 

Occasionally I’ll see a spirit - this is also like remembering seeing them standing in front of me. Sometimes they show me items, sometimes I can “hear” them; like remembering having heard them in the past. This happens mostly with deceased loved ones bringing messages, but also sometimes with spirit guides. 

Most often, spirit guides come to me as a memory. Sometimes they show me an image of themselves, often I just know I’m getting information from outside of myself, and when I ask who, I know that it’s a spirit guide of the person I’m communicating with. I have channeled before, but I probably don’t know enough about it to safely do it as a practice. It’s easy to be cavalier when you’re young and excited about a new talent, but older and wiser Janice refrains from practicing outside of her scope.

I sometimes know things that are going to happen, what the outcome of a thing will be, or where a missing thing is. I’ve never had occasion to use this to make money, and sometimes I wonder if I’m just very good at picking up on context clues. I do say a lot of things that I can’t know, though, and I usually end up shocking whoever I’m reading for. Don’t worry - I never try to remember what’s said during a reading and I’m genuinely a conduit; the information just flows through me from somewhere else.

I did a small variety of spooky psychic things as a child, and I ended up following my mother into some psychic development classes, where I met some of the best people I’ve ever known. I could do cool psychic party tricks like seeing auras and the world’s most useless psychometry - I could tell people about things they ate with eerie accuracy when I held an object they owned.

Haunted things are another specialty of mine. I can tell you if a place is haunted by looking at it. I don’t think hauntings are anything like in the movies, and I’d love to have an experience that proves otherwise. Or maybe not…God doesn’t give us anything we can’t handle, right? Ha ha! I have been in places with ominous energy, and there are places that I’ve refused to go into. Who knows why, though? Could it have been materially unsafe in some way and that’s the hesitation I was feeling?

To me, ghosts are energetic “fingerprints” on a location. I think that’s why I can tell a place is haunted from a photograph; it’s covered in those fingerprints of dramatic energetic events. When I was a child, I was “haunted” by the ghost of a cheerleader who’d lived in our house and slept in my bedroom; when I got older I found out she was still alive! I’d been “haunted” by the energetic memory of some big events for her that were lingering in the house. 

There’s no way to know how any of this works, but I know that some of it is real. Being a skeptic has kept me from practicing for the public for most of my life, but the world needs more helpers, so I’m here to help. If you’ve had a reading with me in the past and it was helpful for you, I’d be so grateful if you submit a message about it - there’s a button on the home page!

I’m going to be discussing so many things here. I hope you stick around and contribute to the conversation - every voice and every experience matters and adds to my ability to be the best helper I can be. I love you, and I hope you have a wonderful day!


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