What is Mediumship-Led Grief Coaching?
One of the reasons that it’s taken me so long to offer mediumship services to the public is that I’m always concerned about letting people down. Often when it comes to communicating with those in spirit, the messages I receive are muddy and difficult to decipher.
There is a very serious lack of conversation around grieving in the United States. As conditions worsen and sicknesses claim more lives than seems necessary, grief is expanding and compounding at the same time. It’s becoming exponentially larger than people can handle on their own.
Grief for the way life was, for friendships lost, illusions broken, family disagreements, the realization that we’re not as free as we were told. There are so many things we grieve, it’s human nature…animal nature…to mourn a loss.
As someone who has always been aware of the spirit world, working as a CNA then an RN on a hospital floor that had three palliative care suites felt like serendipity. I have always had a unique view of death, and I’ve never felt that it’s a permanent loss. The only time I doubted it was when I had a cancer scare of my own (I’m okay!) and was contemplating the great beyond for myself. Here and now, writing this, I continue to have only a splinter of doubt that my humanity clings to, but my soul knows that it is eternal.
Assisting families and patients through the process of death and dying, answering questions, giving people a laugh when they needed it most, or a hug when they needed it most…that was a wonderful and difficult experience for me. I knew that I was meant to work with grief, but I hadn’t found my footing yet.
I was disabled by, then diagnosed with lupus (SLE - mild type) in 2018; the year I finished my bachelors in nursing and also was in so much pain I could barely walk. It took six months for the treatment to start working, but my ability to continue to work as a nurse dwindled slowly. I’m mentioning this because I spent quite a bit of time mourning the loss of my autonomy, the loss of my future and career. I grieved for so long, so hard, and I still lament it from time to time, but I’m mostly over it. I had to move on. Move forward.
That’s what I want to do for people. I want to help people acknowledge their grief. I want to validate it, explain it, hold up a mirror, offer support, and teach people how to move forward. The fact that I’m a medium allows for the unique opportunity for me to receive intuition and insight about things that most people don’t have access to. I’m not trained as a counselor, so I’ve chosen to call this service coaching, and I’ve made it as affordable as I can.
I’m a helper. I want to help you! When you book an appointment with me, I’ll reach out via email to confirm the format you’d like to do the coaching in - we can do it as a written chat, a phone call, or a video call; whatever you’re most comfortable with.
We will work together to get you unstuck from the grief that’s holding you back.
I have had extensive ethics and privacy training. Anything you tell me will remain private, and will never be discussed with anyone without your permission.